Matt's Roof Garden

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August 19th, 2020


“Better note-taking” misses the point; what matters is “better thinking”

The most effective readers and thinkers I know don’t take notes when reading

Conversations with Person/Helena

Response {{word-count}}

Ok so I've been writing about empathy and collaboration and I think I'm to the point where the draft will be semi-legible to an outside reader

If you want to give what I have so far a read here's a link to the notion page! Please let me know if it's incohesive or something doesn't make sense or you have any suggestions. This is very much a work in progress and I feel like I'm to close to tell if it's bad or not haha

Also notion is nice but when Roam's sharing and multiplayer is more robust it's going to be killer

Oh and while writing this I realized that you probably only know me by my twitter handle which seems kind of impersonal so hello there I'm Matt đź‘‹