Matt's Roof Garden

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August 2nd, 2020

people are designing architecture to be 'instragrammable' - but now are moving away from images and towards videos - What does architecture designed for tiktok look like??" questions answered

oh I've never seen that before, it's got a very 'video killed Pomplamoose' vibe to it. I like it. You're totally right though, it's a very Titus question. Maybe spaces for a more video focused generation will be more like the fishbowl, or a black box. A blank canvas that lets the creator transform it

Now I really want to turn my apartment into an unrecognizable music video stage 😳

Different wants

Motivated to work on {{or: Light|Open}} Sky app, the Dark Sky Open sourced alternative

Want to make some more decisions about apartment art

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select quotes_master_record.quote, books.book_title, quotes_master_record.book_chapter, quotes_master_record.book_chapter_order
From quotes_master_record
    join books
    on = books.reference_id
    source LIKE "%moon%" and 
    -- book like "recJvPfGQNuq1cpGs"
    book_chapter_order is NULL
order by book_title ASC;

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