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Book/Three Parts Dead

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Tags:: book fantasy


New highlights added February 2nd, 2022 at 9:20 PM

New highlights added February 2nd, 2022 at 9:37 PM

Chapter 2

"Blind, unreasoning terror is the first obstacle to be overcome if one wishes to survive a fall from a great height, but it is by no means the most dangerous. Fear can cloud the mind, but if one is on good terms with fear, as Tara was, it can also aid concentration."

Chapter::Chapter 2

Date Captured::April 29th, 2019

Chapter 3

"Her glyphs resembled spiderwebs laid by machine. Precise lines wove around her arm, spirals devouring spirals, hermetic diagrams inscribed with the script of half a dozen languages, most of them dead. A repeated symbol interrupted this pattern along the course of her radial artery: circle, nested within triangle, within circle, the mark of the Hidden Schools. The glyphs' light was strong enough to cast shadows"

Chapter::Chapter 3

Date Captured::May 12th, 2019

Chapter 4

"He sat behind the oak desk, clad in deep red robes and his own authority"

Chapter::Chapter 4

Date Captured::May 16th, 2019

“Gods, like men, can die. They just die harder, and smite the earth with their passing.”

Date Captured::March 1st, 2021

Chapter 5

"Stories always outlasted their usefulness"

Chapter::Chapter 5

Date Captured::May 17th, 2019

Chapter 7

"A gargoyle's howl is only in part a sound carried on air like other sounds. A gargoyle's howl, like a poet's, resounds from spirit to spirit within the walls of a city"

Chapter::Chapter 7

Date Captured::May 17th, 2019

Chapter 8

"watch the city, and they do not change it as much as it changes them"

Chapter::Chapter 8

Date Captured::May 23rd, 2019

Chapter 11

"Put not your trust in things, but in men. And women"

Chapter::Chapter 11

Date Captured::May 26th, 2019

Chapter 13

In three states is the mind most vulnerable, Professor Denovo had once told her: in love, in sleep, and in rapt attention to a story.

Chapter 15

"A gang of cutpurses tried to mug her, but they were no trouble. Thieves in this city fled from a little fire and the barest hint of death"

Chapter::Chapter 15

Date Captured::May 26th, 2019

Chapter 16

tonight they hunted men of stone

Chapter 19

There are as many different kinds of silence as of darkness. Some are so fragile a single breath will shatter them, but others are not so weak.

The strongest silences deafen.

Tags:: epic