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Book/Tropic of Virgo



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First added January 6th, 2021

2. First Listen

You pull me, unseen, your words music on my skin. –Ordinary_Girl

3. Opening Lines

I watch them twisting all around me, I give them what they want to hear, When thunder rolls and lightning strikes I tell them there is nothing to fear. My thoughts runs cold in daytime Whiskey heats up the night, My heart beats loud when I hear her voice Singing baby wont you do me right. I watch her every movement, I measure every spin and turn The look she gives me sets my brain on fire, Damn, what a lovely way to burn.

15. Port Obvious

Coaxing a fire from embers takes a delicate touch; your phrases are subtle when you choose.

21. Matters

-in progress She sleeps in the snow White of my sheets; The grace of her lash Lies long on her cheek. Is it my face she sees when a smile parts her lips- My hands in her hair, The touch of my kiss. Does she dream of a boy In a faraway place- Her heart in his hands His kiss on her face. I burn in her fire I'm tortured to ash, By the pain of desire And the grace of the lash.


23. Aisle C

Whether I fly or fail, I will never be the same person that I am now. –Ordinary_Girl

27. Short Ended Stick

cocking his head to the side, as if looking at an optical illusion where you see two different women in the same drawing

28. Truths

I tried. It didn't go well. I can write volumes in blank verse and rhyme, but when I talk to her in person I lose my mind. -Debussy_88

I didn't want this, this helplessness and weird agony that twisted my nerve endings into knots. I wanted to take action, but I had no idea what to do.