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Book/Victories Greater Than Death

Full Title:: Victories Greater Than Death


Date Finished::June 7th, 2021

Reading Status:: {{or:read | | to read | reading | abandoned}}


First added October 10th, 2021

Chapter 1

she says with the full force of her midwestern Presbyterian earnestness

Chapter 2

treat everything like a grand ridiculous adventure


People only feel like their footing is secure when they can step on someone else's head.

Chapter 7

Happy reunions and short absences

the stillpoint of yearning

That's what I want. I want to be more than I am now

Chapter 9

You are an artist. There is no greater valor than to create beauty where none existed.


Chapter 17

Whenever people ask me to be part of something greater, it always means they want me to be smaller

She won't stop trying to tear everything down, without giving it a chance first

Chapter 18

I haven't had a crush on a guy in ages. Or anyone, really. My sexual orientation is basically just "I'm picky."

Chapter 45

being in charge means you never need to be embarrassed to admit you don't know something

People like a leader who tells, but they love a leader who asks.