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Curiosity Trails: Down the Rabbit Hole: The Infinite Curiosity Atlas

Speaker:: Person/Helena


Opening questions:

How do I capture my curiousity trail?

What activity do I look forward to the most in this series?

What does it mean to be a good curiousity buddy?

Recommended By::Person/readdy2Go

like notion but more visualy focused

curiosity buddy

objective mirror

interested in finding others process philosophy


"Be willing to be stuck"

personal introductions are so important to make somethine more enticing

"letters from tuvalt" - queer author

taking an idea and making a scrapbooking party out of it

Inter-dependence is Person/Helena's theme of the year

all serindipity doesn't feel like magic at first

shared story space

interested in creating an amorphous oort cloud of ideas. Follow an interesting idea not a person. This is a cool way to create a shared garden or story space

Lots of enthusiasm for some kind of shared collage as an entry point.

How can we collaborate remotely with a collage? Can we mail parts of

Luke Butler to Everyone : “Reflecting curiosity back” is a powerful and potentially dangerous statement

07:34:53 From Zsolt Török to Everyone : @Matt: great point re: publishing an artifact instead of working for the drawer, that’s one of my goals as well.

07:35:45 From Elene to Everyone : Yeah, I feel like I'm hogging information and ideas and thoughts and never letting it see light of day :)))

07:42:49 From Maggie Appleton to Everyone : Re: the central connection “house” you’re seeking, can’t recommend Andy’s evergreen notes approach enough:

07:42:52 From Matthew Vogel to Everyone : Definitely into chaotic tea parties

Really liked how we started off with getting everyone to answer a few simple opening questions. Really felt like it helped loosen everybody up and make the conversation easier

Sketch by Julia R

chaotic tea party - soon to be hosted by Luke

Person/Jeeva - looking to pair up about deconstruction

Deconstruction is a lot more accessible than most people think. We've entered an era where so many people have had so much exposure to media that the old patterns are being re-examined and torn apart

wandavision is partially deconstruction

Simon Hammond - working on visualizations for Quantified Self



Tags::new word

Definition::symbol that represents a collective

Maslo's pyramid is not a pyramid

Ruth A - writing about energy storage

Julia R - Emotion in tech focusing on delight and ignoring and erasing negative emotions which flattens the emotional landscape

If you create something with emotional resonance people will be drawn to it

  • strange attractors in emotion

Does an enemy/rival know you better than your friends because they are testing the upper bounds of your limits?

Who have been my rivals? What did they actually done to harm me?

Do I need to make more enemies?

What is your own personal taxonomy of emotion?

What is the context of your curiosity?