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January 4th, 2022

#[Twitter thread] by Marissa Goldberg: The top 5 things every remote worker should have (but most don't)

Virtual Boundaries

Virtual boundaries are even more important than physical boundaries in remote work. You likely have a virtual boundary issue if you feel constantly distracted, unorganized, and feel a big overlap in your work and personal life.

Multiple Work Zones

Don't replicate the office. Working from one desk was a measure to save the company money, not to do your best work. Instead, use your environment to inject inspiration and maximize utility to allow your work to be effortless.

Morning Ritual

If you're starting your day by scrolling through work notifications in bed, you need a morning ritual. Working remotely doesn't mean working all the time.

Clear End of Day

Too many people leave "done" up to a feeling and end up burning themselves out. Every remote worker should start their workday with a clear end of day defined.

An Understanding of How, When, and Where They Work Best

Knowing yourself is a critical piece to an effective remote work experience. You can't optimize your workday experience without this information

he people who are the best at remote work know themselves on a deep level.

They know:

• The rhythm of their energy levels • How to get themselves to do the work • What personal weaknesses to proactively combat

Want to upgrade your remote work life? Get to know yourself

Not all hours are equal.

Working 1 hr in peak energy mode > working 1 hr in low energy mode

Understanding this means less time working while getting more done.

Knowing where your time is going is helpful, but tracking your energy levels is an even bigger game-changer.

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