Matt's Roof Garden

Powered by 🌱Roam Garden

June 9th, 2021


Tags::new word

Definition::A specific type of metafiction in which the story is about the process of creation

"The quiet comprehending of the ending of the world"

would be great to autocheck the main item if all sub items are checked

toggle a native roam TODO item



(ns starting-point-for-custom-roam
   [reagent.core :as r]
   [datascript.core :as d]
   [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]
   [roam.util :as u]
   [clojure.pprint :as pp]))

(defn toggle-done [status]
      (identical? status "DONE") "TODO"
      (identical? status "TODO") "DONE"

(defn main []
 (let [app-data (r/atom {:status "DONE" })]
       [:div (u/parse (str "{{[[" (:status @app-data)"]]}}"))]
       [:button {:on-click (fn []
                               (swap! app-data
                                      (fn [data]
                                        (-> data
                                                (toggle-done  (:status @app-data))))))
          " " ]

would be cool to have this on one line vs having to make sub bullets on each one

D&D campaigns, themes, and ideas I'd like to explore

"As you dash down the hall the world seems to tip around you while you stay upright"

smashing through micro-planes each time the world seems like it's tipping towards you or away from you. Each microplane has a different challenge associated with it, kind of like the hallway scene in Video/Movie/Inception

Players get to the bbeg to late, he's relaxing in a throne room, he knows he's already won

there's nothing to counterspell

Cool start ideas


Narrative heavy

The party is studying under/learning from an older adventurer. She often sends them out on errands / mini-adventures specifically to help them with something

We run 5 short semi-one-shots to introduce each character

One player is their actual character and the others are mooks / NPCs / nameless characters