I need to use clojure.core/declare
to declare a function if it is referenced in the code before use. This is likely the reason why his code did not work: *
This might also mean, that if I keep all my clojure components on one page, I can actually reference my own library, by declaring functions in each component
:q [:find ?b]
[?b :user/uid ?v]]
:q [:find ?b ?v ?dn ?e
[?b :user/uid ?v]
[?dn :user/display-name ?dn]
[?u :user/settings ?u]
[?e :user/email ?e]
:q [:find ?b ?v ?dn ?e :where [?b :user/uid ?v][?dn :user/display-name ?dn] [?u :user/settings ?u][?e :user/email ?e] ]