Matt's Roof Garden

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October 18th, 2021

October 18th, 2021 update roam table to markdown


Where does sage grow? 

Sage does best in medium to full sun. It can also do well in containers or indoors – just be sure it’s near a sunny window if you’re growing it inside. If you live in zones 5 to 8, your sage will be a hardy perennial. If you’re in the humid zones of 9 or anywhere further south, it will likely be an annual, as it doesn’t tolerate summer humidity and heat very well.

How much water does sage plant need? 

Sage is a relatively drought-tolerant herb. Even if it begins to wilt, it will typically perk up with water. Don’t over-water – wait until your soil is dry, and then thoroughly water.

I used to ask grandma about growing up during the depression. I never really understood how she was so caviler about it, I get it now though. Life doesn't stop you just keep going and it almost fades into the background

"Sometimes people use 'respect' to mean 'treating someone like a person' and sometimes they use 'respect' to mean 'treating someone like an authority' Sometimes people who are used to be treated like an authority say 'if you won't respect me I won't respect you' and they mean ' if you won't treat me like an authority I won't treat you like a person' and they think they're being fair but they aren't, and it's not ok"