Attribute tables { DO SCIENCE }
To toggle namespaces do Ctrl-c then Ctrl-l
Namespaces are anything in a page title the is before a /
They denote different types of pages and can be toggled in 3 levels
to show the whole namespace
to show the first letter of the namespace
to hide the namespace
they can also be controlled by css using
/* Namespace text color [[roam/css]] when using CTRL+C CTRL+L || CMD+C CMD+L */
.rm-page-ref-namespace-color {
color: blue !important;
font-weight: 600;
transition: color .3s ease;
.rm-page-ref-namespace-color:hover {
color: purple !important;
text-decoration: none;
transition: color .3s ease;
span[data-link-title^="template"] .rm-page-ref:before {
content: "\01F4DA";
My Useful Queries
Show a random block from a page
:q [:find [[rand 1 ?t]] :where
[?e :node/title "quotes"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?t] ]
:q [:find ?PageName ?attrValue ?id
[?node :node/title ?PageName]
[?node :block/children ?block]
[?block :block/string ?attrValue]
[?block :block/uid ?id]
[(re-find #"test" ?PageName)]
[(re-find #"(?<=::).*" ?attrValue) ?attrValue]
:q [:find (count ?n)
[?n :node/title _]]
:q [:find (count ?t) :where
[?e :node/title "quotes"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/uid ?id]
[?x :block/string ?t]
[(< ?id (rand (count ?t)))]]
(== ?id (rand (count ?t)))
children of rand block
:q [:find [rand 1 ?t] :where
[?e :node/title "quotes"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?t]
Show a random block under a parent block
:q [:find [[rand 1 ?t]]
[?e :block/uid "BLOCK_REF_ID"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?t] ]
:q [:find ?t
[?e :block/uid "F1aQG0uDB"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?t ]
[(rand 1 ?t)]
:q [:find [rand 1 ?t]
[?e :block/uid "n2DUzfNn_"][?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?t] ]
Show all pages that contain a word
:q [:find ?title ?s, ?r
[?e :node/title ?title]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[(re-matches #"(?i)\b.*(Cover).*" ?s)]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
:q [:find ?title ?s, ?r
[?e :node/title ?title]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[(re-pattern "(?i)\b.*(Cover).*" ?s)]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
:q [:find ?title ?s, ?r
[?e :node/title ?title][?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s][(re-pattern "Cover*" ?s)]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
Show blocks from specific page that contain a word
:q [:find [?s ?r]
[?e :node/title "quotes"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[(re-matches #"(?i)\b.*(zerp).*" ?s)]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
:q [:find ?s ?r
[?e :node/title "quotes"][?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s][(re-matches #"(?i)\b.*(zerp).*" ?s)]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
Show child blocks under specific parent that contain a word
:q [:find ?s ?r
[?e :block/uid "xmJZyIEqJ"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[(re-matches #"(?i).*{{\[\[TODO\]\]}}.*" ?s)]
[?e :block/uid ?r]
:q [:find ?s ?r
[?e :block/uid "xmJZyIEqJ"][?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s][(re-matches #"(?i).*{{\[\[TODO\]\]}}.*" ?s)]
[?e :block/uid ?r]
Show blocks that contain a word (partially working)
Can also be done with 0dltrvUHn
for some reason this does not like blocks that start and end with quotes ""
:q [:find ?s, ?r
[?e :node/title ?title]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[(re-matches #"(?i)\b.*(Cover).*" ?s)]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
:q [:find ?s, ?r
[?e :node/title ?title][?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s][(re-matches #"(?i)\b.*(Cover).*" ?s)]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
Find all attributes on specific page
:q [:find ?s
[?e :node/title "test"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[(re-find #"(?<=\#)(\w+)" ?s)]
:q [:find ?attribute ?attributeValue ?id
[?c :node/title "test"]
[?c :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[?x :block/uid ?id]
[(re-find #".+?(?=::)" ?s) ?attribute]
[(re-find #"(?<=::)(.*)" ?s) ?attributeValue]
:q [:find ?PageName ?attrValue ?id
[?node :node/title ?PageName]
[?node :block/children ?block]
[?block :block/string ?attrValue]
[?block :block/uid ?id]
[(re-find #"test" ?PageName)]
[(re-find #"(?<=::).*" ?attrValue) ?attrValue]
:q [:find ?PageName ?attrValue ?id :where [?node :node/title ?PageName][?node :block/children ?block] [?block :block/string ?attrValue][?block :block/uid ?id]
Recursively return all blocks of a page (not working)
Show linked references for page (not working)
Count number of pages in database
:q [:find (count ?n)
[?n :node/title _]]
:q [:find (count ?n) :where [?n :node/title _]]
:q [:find (count ?n) :where [?n :node/title _]]
Count Blocks in database (not working)
:q [:find (pull ?e [
{:block/children ...}
:where [?e :node/title]]
Count blocks under a parent
:q [:find (count ?x)
[?e :block/uid "F1aQG0uDB"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
:q [:find (count ?x) :where [?e :block/uid "F1aQG0uDB"][?e :block/children ?x] ]
Show last 5 edited pages - Radar (not working)
:q [:find (max 5 ?PageName)
[?n :node/title ?PageName]]
:q [:find ?et ?t ?e ?o :where
[?e :node/title "What People Are Saying"]
[?x :block/order ?o]
[?e :edit/time ?et]
[?x :block/string ?t] ]
:q [:find ?et ?id ?t
[?n :node/title ?t]
[?n :edit/time ?et]
[?n :block/uid ?id]
[(sort ?t)]]
(sort-by val > ?et )
:q [:find ?et ?id ?t
:in $ %
(max 5 ?et)
[?n :node/title ?t]
[?n :edit/time ?et]
[?n :block/uid ?id]]
Show last edited block on page
:q [:find ?edit
[?e :node/title "quotes"]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[?x :edit/time ?edit]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
:q [:find ?r
[?e :node/title "quotes"][?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s][?x :edit/time ?edit]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
Search for word in a specific namespace
:q [:find ?title, ?s, ?r
[?e :node/title ?title]
[(re-matches #"(?i)\b.*(Book/).*" ?title)]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[(re-matches #"(?i)\b.*(Tags::).*" ?s)]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
Slider Value (not working)
[:find (pull ?parent [:block/uid :block/string])
[?block :block/uid "${childUid}"]
[?parent :block/children ?block]]
:q [:find ?v
[?block :block/uid "NZWwYoU7d"]
[?block :block/props ?v]]
:q [:find ?v :where [?block :block/uid "NZWwYoU7d"][?block :block/props ?v]]
Find all Blocks With Versions
:q [:find ?s, ?vs, ?r
[?e :node/title ?title]
[?e :block/children ?x]
[?x :block/string ?s]
[?x :vc/blocks ?vs]
[?x :block/uid ?r]
((gl6aYr6zV)) ((7XCWISPg5))
:q [:find ?s
[?block :block/uid "7XCWISPg5"]
[?block :block/string ?s]
[?block :vc/blocks ?v]]
version 2