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Writers:: Person/Lisa Joy

Full Title:: Reminiscence



Tags:: video Movie


"Memory is the boat that sails against its current. And I’m the oarsman."

Timestamp:: 00:04:13

“You’re going on a journey. A journey through memory. Your destination? A place and time you’ve been before. To reach it, all you have to do is follow my voice.”


There are certain moments that never leave you, like the moment I first saw her


Tags:: monologue

'No such thing as a happy ending. All endings are sad. Especially if the story was happy.' "Then tell me a happy story, but end it in the middle."


They say the only ones to survive the Titanic were the rich and the rats. The Barons are both.



Forgotten things can always be fished up and dusted off. But the lost, those things people never really took much notice of, till they were gone. They’re defined by their absence.


People like us don’t fall in love, we plummet to places deep and dark.


“The past can haunt a man. That’s what they say. That the past is just a series of moments. Each one is perfect. Complete. A bead on the necklace of time. The past doesn’t haunt us. Wouldn’t even recognize us. If there are ghosts to be found, it’s us who haunt the past.


You miss him... don't you? Missing people is a part of this world. Without that sadness... you can't taste the sweet. A long time ago, we both chose our endings. He turned back... and I looked ahead. I like to think that we both chose right for ourselves.
