Shopping list sum price August 30th, 2021
searches all children for prices and sums everything up
could also check for DONE and skip those
(ns shopping-sum-v2
[reagent.core :as r]
[datascript.core :as d]
[roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defn flatten-block
"Flattens a blocks children into a flat list"
[acc block]
(reduce flatten-block
(conj acc (dissoc block :block/children))
(:block/children block)))
(defn find-child-refs
"Returns all _refs for children blocks given a parent block uid"
(flatten-block []
@(dr/q '[:find (pull ?e [:block/string :block/uid {:block/children ...}]) .
:in $ ?uid
[?e :block/uid ?uid]
(defn filter-content [content]
"finds blocks that contain a price eg. $40. Not acutally used just useful"
#(re-seq #".*\$(\d+)(?:\.\d+)?" (:block/string %))
(filter #(re-seq #".*\$(\d+)(?:\.\d+)?" (:block/string %)) content))
(def log (.-log js/console))
(defn sum-string [content]
(->> content
(re-seq #"\$\d+(?:\.\d+)?" )
(map #(subs % 1) )
(map int )
(reduce +)
(defn main [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
[:div {:style{:margin-left "10px"}} "Total Spent: "
[:div {:style{
:display "inline-block"
:border "2px solid #CD3838"
:padding "2px 4px"
:color "#CD3838"
:font-weight "bold"
"$"(reduce + (map #(sum-string (:block/string %)) (find-child-refs block-uid)))