Matt's Roof Garden

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August 9th, 2020

{{DONE}} Filter goodreads by genre

find all books that I have read that are of a certain genre

Get all books from my 'read' shelf

for each book

filter out unneeded bookshelves

genreExceptions = [
'to-read', 'currently-reading', 'owned', 'default', 'favorites', 'books-i-own',
'ebook', 'kindle', 'library', 'audiobook', 'owned-books', 'audiobooks', 'my-books',
'ebooks', 'to-buy', 'english', 'calibre', 'books', 'british', 'audio', 'my-library',
'favourites', 're-read', 'general', 'e-books'

see if certain genre is in the top 5 bookshelf names

if it is add book to master list

add all found books to a new shelf read-fantasy