page-focus {{query: {and:Projects Tags {not:{or:work abandoned Status/Completed}}}}}
Twitter favs code Projects
The 3code Projects that have been a bug in my bonnet recently
Tags:: Projects Roam Research
Projects code Create a roam/js/notification-center
Projects ideas
Projects ideas App/Plex
inbox python & App/pyrevit App/Revit Projects
Tags:: Projects
O9MXN3Jap ideas Projects
Can I create a customized newsletter? Projects
{{TODO}} create a Readwise API clone Projects
Tags:: Projects python Quantified Self
{{TODO}} Projects create a BraveWatcher for App/ActivityWatch based on the ChromeWatcher
Projects reading
{{DONE}} upload PGTE epub to gdrive Projects
Progress on the Annotation Department API project
moving apartments Projects ideas
Book/This Used to be About Dungeons Projects typeset
Thinking about how I can add {{or: OPTION |OPTION}} to App/Athens Research Projects clojurescript
Tags:: writing Gatsby Digital Garden learning in public Projects
Tags:: Projects Digital Garden
Tags:: Projects clojurescript App/Orbit Spaced Repetition
Projects App/Plex