Author:: Harriet Harriss, Rory Hyde, and Roberta Marcaccio
Full Title:: Architects After Architecture
Reading Status:: {{or:reading | | to read | read | abandoned}}
Why::Thinking about the future self and how I want him to be
Tags:: book architecture
First added September 6th, 2021
they are not ʼabandoning' architecture, but expanding its relevance into other adjacent territories
Location::(Page 11)
Tags:: architecture
'If I abandon the "profession of architecture" in order to focus on problems more directly connected with life, it is to be able to see more clearly into these problems.'
Location::(Page 16)
the diagram of everything
Location::(Page 18)
the reasons for leaving are many, and not all ... feel pushed out, but many are pulled toward greater opportunity.
Location::(Page 20)
Tags:: architecture
'inside the word emergency is emerge; from an emergency new things come forth. The old certainties are crumbling fast, but danger and possibilities are sisters.'
Location::(Page 33)