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Article/Behind the Scenes of ‘Russian Doll’s’ Emmy Award-Winning Production Design - UT News

> Many of them wanted to study architecture because they wanted to be licensed architects. I wanted to study architecture because I wanted to design big and interesting things. .float-right View Highlight

October 29th, 2020

How does this translate to architecture and work ? Does it lend itself to taking 'process' notes or maybe 'workflow' notes?

Layers and Gateways in Indian Architecture

While studying architecture at Company/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute I had the opportunity to live in India for 6 months, exploring and studying the spatial and phenomenological qualities of traditional Indian architecture.

October 24th, 2020

I built this... thing for my writing. It's kind of like a personal website but different. Not really sure how to describe it but it's based on curiosity trails, very little professional architectural writing there right now but it was a way to experiment with thought design and non-linear structure and experience. A Digital Garden of forking paths if you will

Layers and Gateways in Indian Architecture

Traditional Indian spatial sense is grounded in spirituality and cultural beliefs about how the world operates. In short the spaces are born from an idea or series of ideas. Concepts such as the cycle of reincarnation and the duality of existence create create rich spatial sequences when translated into architectural language. When a conceptual driver behind the spaces governs all, interesting spatial relationships begin to form.