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Book/The Ethical Slut

Full Title:: The Ethical Slut


Reading Status:: {{or:read | | to read | reading | abandoned}}

Recommended By::Polychat


First added September 7th, 2021

PART ONE Welcome

1. Who Is an Ethical Slut?

## CHAPTER ONE<BR>Who Is an Ethical Slut?

sluts qualify for mortgages just like everybody else

2. Myths and Realities

that didn't work out. Instead of questioning the myth, they question themselves: Am I incomplete?

"questioning is the first step toward generating a new paradigm, your own paradigm of how you ought to be."


Our Beliefs

We take time with ourselves, to figure out our own emotions and motivations and to untangle them for greater clarity when necessary. Then we openly share that information with those who need it. We do our best not to let our fears and bashfulness be an obstacle to our honesty

The worthiness of pleasure is one of the core values of ethical sluthood.