Matt's Roof Garden

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December 17th, 2021


"If you knew how much work went into it, you wouldn't call it genius"

  • Michelangelo

When you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. Your tastes only narrow & exclude people. So create

  • why the lucky stiff

"You're not feeling anxious about small decisions. You are feeling anxiety about the massive decisions your brain has been trained to make alongside very small decisions.

So your friend invites you to get coffee with her and you're excited to get coffee with her, but also you're feeling a little bit tired and you're a little bit overwhelmed and all of a sudden you're feeling so much stress about what kind of text to send your friend.

You're not feeling anxious about a day spent with coffee or no coffee. You're feeling anxious about "if I say no to this do I still get to call myself a good friend?" "If I say no to this will I continue to have friends?" We've been trained that every time we make a tiny decision we are also making massive decisions about our future and who we are as a person.

So next time you're feeling that, angst maybe ask yourself "

" And if I knew that I would get to like myself just as much on the other side of this, no matter what, if I knew that there would always be more chances available to me.

What am I letting this decision mean about my identity?

If I knew that my future was still, in my control, about this, small decision wasn't setting off some irretrievable chain reaction that would determine the rest of my life. Then what?

In all the best job openings capacity is valued over competence or knowledge

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