Matt's Roof Garden

Powered by 🌱Roam Garden

December 21st, 2021

What still needs to be done before christmas?

{{DONE}} Find bags/boxes & labels for the 3 presents I have left here, maybe from Walgreens?

Add labels to the presents

figure out how to hang the wreath on the circuit breaker

{{DONE}} Clean the couch

{{TODO}} Do the laundry

{{DONE}} pack clothes

{{DONE}} pack up the eink screen

Clean the floors

{{DONE}} Take out the trash

Put out bug bait

{{DONE}} Make my bed

buy ibuprofen

{{DONE}} Wrap the presents in Langhorne

{{DONE}} Send out PNC Check

{{TODO}} Get Stamps

Damn.. sometimes I run across something I've written that's just so raw and beautiful that I have to take a minute to appreciate the broken beauty that I created