{{DONE}} update vanguard address
Places I Check Regularly
ttrss - new releases
snahp.it - new releases
twitter - new roam tips and interesting intellectual thoughts
YouTube - short distractions
Discord - interesting PKM conversations
Slack - interesting Roam conversations
reddit - mid length distraction for interesting non-politicized new content
creating a ['mind like water'](
1) You should be able to record a task anywhere
2) You regularly drain tasks from this list
3) You regularly delegate, refactor, or delete tasks which you can’t prioritize
if ideas are constantly being evaluated this can help me stop thinking about them all the time. Unrealized Ideas and unfinished tasks buzz around my brain like gnats, slowly sapping away excess energy.
This is very similar to how a dirty pile in my room slowly makes you feel claustrophobic or unable to concentrate. Unfinished and unrealized dreams eat away at mental bandwidth and contribute to a poorer mental health.
Things that could tangentially be related to this:
messy & unorganized desktop
messy standing desk
clothes on the floor
piles of unopened mail