Main Component
[clojure.set :as s]
[reagent.core :as r]
[roam.datascript :as rd]
[roam.block :as block]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[roam.util :as util]
[roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(def plugin-version 1)
(def app-page "roam/excalidraw")
(def app-settings-block "Settings")
(def app-setting-uid "Excal_SET")
(def default-app-settings {:mode "light"
:img "SVG"
:full-screen-margin 0.015
:max-embed-width 600
:max-embed-height 400
:nested-text-rows 20
:nested-text-row-height 40
:nested-text-col-width 400
:nested-text-start-top 40
:nested-text-start-left 320
:nested-text-font-size 20
:nested-text-font-family 1})
(def app-settings (r/atom default-app-settings))
;; util functions
(def silent (r/atom true))
(defn debug [x]
(if-not @silent (apply (.-log js/console) "<<< Roam-Excalidraw Main cljs >>>" x)))
(def embedded-view "ev")
(def full-screen-view "fs")
(defn is-full-screen [cs] ;;component-state
(not= (:position @cs) embedded-view))
(defn create-block [parent-uid order block-string]
(.createBlock js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper parent-uid order block-string))
(defn pretty-settings [x]
(let [y (into (sorted-map) (sort-by first (seq x)))]
(-> (str y)
(str/replace "{" "{\n")
(str/replace ", " "\n")
(str/replace "}" "\n}"))))
(defn get-next-block-order [x]
(let [o (rd/q '[:find (max ?o) .
:in $ ?uid
:where [?b :block/uid ?uid]
[?b :block/children ?c]
[?c :block/order ?o]]
(if (nil? o) 0 (+ 1 o))
(defn save-settings []
;;(debug ["(save-settings) Enter"])
(let [settings-host (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
:in $ ?page ?block
:where [?p :node/title ?page]
[?p :block/children ?b]
[?b :block/string ?block]
[?b :block/uid ?uid]]
app-page app-settings-block))]
(if (nil? @settings-host)
;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings host does not exist"])
(reset! settings-host
(rd/q '[:find ?uid .
:in $ ?page
:where [?p :node/title ?page]
[?p :block/uid ?uid]]
3 app-settings-block))))
(let [settings-block (r/atom (rd/q '[:find ?uid .
:in $ ?settings-host
:where [?b :block/uid ?settings-host]
[?b :block/children ?c]
[?c :block/order 0]
[?c :block/uid ?uid]]
(if (nil? @settings-block)
;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block does not exist"])
(create-block @settings-host 0 (pretty-settings @app-settings)))
;;(debug ["(save-settings) settings-block exists, updating"])
(block/update {:block {:uid @settings-block
:string (pretty-settings @app-settings)}}))))))
(defn js-to-clj-str [& x]
;;(debug ["(js-to-clj-str): x: " x (str x)])
(let [res (-> x
(str/replace #"\(#js" "")
(str/replace #"#js" "")
(str/replace #"\}\}\)" "}}"))]
;;(debug ["(js-to-clj-str) result: " res])
(defn fix-double-bracket [x]
(str/replace x #"\[{2}" "[ ["))
(defn get-data-block-uid [x]
(rd/q '[:find ?drawing-uid .
:in $ ?uid
:where [?e :block/uid ?uid]
[?e :block/children ?c]
[?c :block/order 0]
[?c :block/string ?s]
[(clojure.string/starts-with? ?s "{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) ")]
[?c :block/uid ?drawing-uid]]
(defn pull-children [block-uid order]
(rd/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uid :block/string {:block/children [:block/string :block/order :block/uid {:block/children ...}]}])
:in $ ?block-uid ?order
:where [?e :block/uid ?block-uid]
[?e :block/children ?b]
[?b :block/order ?order]]
block-uid order))
(defn flatten-nested-text [nested-text level]
(let [result (atom nil)]
(doseq [y nested-text]
(let [order (str/join [level (pp/cl-format nil "~2,'0d" (:block/order y))])]
(reset! result (conj @result {:block/string (:block/string y)
:block/order order
:block/uid (:block/uid y)}))
(if-not (nil? (:block/children y))
(reset! result (concat @result (flatten-nested-text (:block/children y) order))))
;;(debug ["flat-nest " (str @result)])
(into [] (sort-by :block/order @result))
(defn get-text-blocks [x]
(-> x
(pull-children 1)
(get-in [0 :block/children])
(flatten-nested-text "")))
(defn get-text-elements [x]
(filter (comp #{"text"} :type) x)
(defn get-block-uid-from-text-element [x]
(second (re-find #"ROAM_(.*)_ROAM" (:id x)))
;;updates the :elements value of the drawing with nested text and updated object groups
(defn update-elements-with-parts [x] {:raw-elements [] :text-elements [] :groups []}
(into [] (concat (into [] (remove (comp #{"text"} :type) (:raw-elements x))) (:text-elements x)))
;;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :map-string "String" :cs atom :drawing atom}
(defn save-component [x]
;;Disable the pullWatch while blocks are edited
(reset! (:saving-flag x) true)
;;(debug ["(save-component) Enter"])
(let [data-block-uid (get-data-block-uid (:block-uid x))
edn-map (edn/read-string (:map-string x))
text-elements (r/atom nil)
;;get text blocks nested under title
nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid])
nested-text-blocks (get-text-blocks (:block-uid x))
app-state (into {} (filter (comp some? val) (:appState edn-map)))] ;;remove nil elements from appState
;;process text on drawing
;;(debug ["(save-component) start processing text"])
(doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements edn-map))]
(if (:isDeleted y)
(if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
(block/delete {:block {:uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)}})
(if (str/starts-with? (:id y) "ROAM_")
(do ;;block with text should already exist, update text, but double check that the block is there...
;;(debug ["(save-component) nested block should exist text:" (:text y) "block-id" (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)])
(let [text-block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
nested-block (filter (comp #{text-block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text-blocks)]
(if-not (= 0 (count nested-block))
(do ;;block exists
;;(debug ["(save-component) block exists, updateing"])
(if-not (= (:block/string (first nested-block)) (:text y))
(block/update {:block {:uid text-block-uid :string (:text y)}}))
(reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))
(do ;block no-longer exists, create new one
;;(debug ["(save-component) block should, but does not exist, creating..."])
(let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
(reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"]))))
(do ;;block with text does not exist as nested block, create new
;;(debug ["(save-component) block does not exists, creating"])
(let [new-block-uid (.createBlock js/ExcalidrawWrapper nestedtext-parent-block-uid (get-next-block-order nestedtext-parent-block-uid) (:text y))]
(reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:id] (str/join ["ROAM_" new-block-uid "_ROAM"]))))
(reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements (assoc-in y [:isDeleted] true)))
;;(debug ["(save-component) text-blocks with updated IDs" (str @text-elements)])
;;updating the data block is the final piece in saving the component
(let [elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements edn-map) :text-elements @text-elements})
out-string (fix-double-bracket (str {:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}))
render-string (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) " out-string " }}"])]
{:block {:uid data-block-uid
:string render-string}})
(swap! app-settings assoc-in [:mode] (get-in app-state [:theme]))
(reset! (:saving-flag x) false)
{:elements elements :appState app-state :roamExcalidraw {:version plugin-version}}
(defn load-settings []
;;(debug ["(load-settings) Enter"])
(let [settings-block (rd/q '[:find ?settings .
:in $ ?page ?block
:where [?p :node/title ?page]
[?p :block/children ?b]
[?b :block/string ?block]
[?b :block/children ?c]
[?c :block/order 0]
[?c :block/string ?settings]]
app-page app-settings-block)]
(if-not (nil? settings-block)
;;(debug ["(load-settings) settings: " settings-block])
(reset! app-settings (edn/read-string settings-block))
(if (nil? @app-settings)
(reset! app-settings default-app-settings))
(doseq [key (keys default-app-settings)]
(if (nil? (key @app-settings))
(swap! app-settings assoc-in [key] (key default-app-settings))))))))
;; Load data from nested block(s)
;;finds the json enclosed in double parentheses and returns it
(defn get-data-from-block-string [x]
;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string)" (count x)])
(if (= (count x) 0)
;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning nil"])
(let [data-string (get-in (first x) [0 :block/string])
return-string (second (re-find #"ExcalDATA\){2}\s*(\{.*\})\s*\}{2}" data-string))]
;;;(debug ["(get-data-from-block-string) returning: " retrun-string])
(edn/read-string return-string)))))
(defn create-nested-blocks [x]; {:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :empty-block-uid "BlockUID"}
;;block uid is the block of the roam/render component
;;empty block is the block created by the user by trying to nest text under
;;a new drawing that hasn't been edited yet (i.e. the data and title children
;;are missing)
;;(debug ["(create-nested-blocks)"])
(let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
:roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
(create-block (:block-uid x) 0 (str/join ["{{roam/render: ((ExcalDATA)) "
(str default-data) " }}"]))
(reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data
:nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
(if (nil? (:empty-block-uid x))
(block/update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}})) ;;fold up the drawing block to hide children
(block/move {:location {:parent-uid (get-in @(:drawing x) [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid]) ;;move new block under nested text
:order 0}
:block {:uid (:empty-block-uid x)}})
(defn load-drawing [x] ;{:block-uid "BlockUID" :drawing atom :data objects :text "text"}
;drawing is the atom holding the drawing map
;block uid is the block with the roam/render component
;data are the drawing objects
;text are the nested text blocks
;;(debug ["(load-drawing) enter"])
(if (= (count (:data x)) 0)
;;(debug ["(load-drawing) no children - creating dummy data"])
(let [default-data {:appState {:theme (:mode @app-settings)}
:roamExcalidraw {:version 1}}]
(reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing default-data
:nestedtext-parent {:block-uid nil}})
(if (= (count (:text x)) 0)
;;(debug ["(load-drawing) create title only"])
(reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
:nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (create-block (:block-uid x) 1 "**Text nested here will appear on your drawing:**")}})
(block/update {:block {:uid (:block-uid x) :open false}})
;;(debug ["(load-drawing) ExcalDATA & title already exist"])
(reset! (:drawing x) {:drawing (:data x)
:nestedtext-parent {:block-uid (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/uid])}
:text (get-in (:text x) [0 :block/children])})
;;(debug ["(load-drawing) drawing: " @(:drawing x) " data: " (:data x) " text: " (str (:text x)) "theme " (get-in (:data x) [:appState :theme])])
;;check if text in nested block has changed compared to drawing and updated text in drawing element including size
(defn update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks [x] ;{:elements [] :appState {} :nested-text [:block/uid "BlockUID" :block/string "text"]}
;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) Enter x:" x])
(if-not (nil? (:nested-text x))
(let [text-elements (r/atom nil)
nested-text (flatten-nested-text (:nested-text x) "")]
;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - apply changes to existing text elements, omit deleted ones"])
;;update elements on drawing based on changes to nested text
(doseq [y (get-text-elements (:elements x))]
(let [block-uid (get-block-uid-from-text-element y)
block-text (:block/string (first (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))
text-element-has-nested-block-pair (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{block-uid} :block/uid) nested-text)))]
;;add text to drawing if text element has a nested block pair,
(if (not text-element-has-nested-block-pair)
;if text has changed, update measures
(if-not (= block-text (:text y))
(let [text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-text y))]
(reset! text-elements
(conj @text-elements
(-> y
(assoc-in [:text] block-text)
(assoc-in [:baseline] (get text-measures "baseline"))
(assoc-in [:width] (get text-measures "width"))
(assoc-in [:height] (get text-measures "height"))
;;else add to list as-is
(reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y))))
;;else it should be removed from the drawing
;;unless the drawing is from an old version of the plugin when nested blocks weren't handled
(if (< (get-in x [:roamExcalidraw :version]) 1)
(reset! text-elements (conj @text-elements y)))
;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) processing nested text - add new nested blocks"])
;;add text for newly nested blocks
(let [counter (atom -1)]
(doseq [nt nested-text]
(swap! counter inc)
(let [text (:block/string nt)
dummy {:fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings)
:fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)}
order (:block/order nt)
id (:block/uid nt)]
(if (= 0 (count (filter (comp #{(str/join ["ROAM_" (:block/uid nt) "_ROAM"])} :id) @text-elements)))
(let [col (int (/ @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings)))
row (mod @counter (:nested-text-rows @app-settings))
x (+ (:nested-text-start-left @app-settings) (* col (:nested-text-col-width @app-settings)))
y (+ (:nested-text-start-top @app-settings) (* row (:nested-text-row-height @app-settings)))
text-measures (js->clj (.measureText js/ExcalidrawWrapper text dummy))]
;;(debug ["(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks) add new: text" text "id" id])
(reset! text-elements
(conj @text-elements
{:y y
:baseline (get text-measures "baseline")
:isDeleted false
:strokeStyle "solid":roughness 1
:width (get text-measures "width")
:type "text"
:strokeSharpness "sharp"
:fillStyle "hachure"
:angle 0
:groupIds []
:seed 1
:fontFamily (:nested-text-font-family @app-settings)
:boundElementIds []
:strokeWidth 1
:opacity 100
:id (str/join ["ROAM_" id "_ROAM"])
:verticalAlign "top"
:strokeColor "#000000"
:textAlign "left"
:x (+ x (* 5 (count order)))
:fontSize (:nested-text-font-size @app-settings)
:version 1
:backgroundColor "transparent"
:versionNonce 1
:height (get text-measures "height")
:text text}))
{:elements (update-elements-with-parts {:raw-elements (:elements x) :text-elements @text-elements})
:appState (:appState x)}
{:elements (:elements x) :appState (:appState x)}
(defn generate-scene [x] ;{:drawing atom}]
;;(debug ["(generate-scene) enter" x])
(update-drawing-based-on-nested-blocks {:elements (:elements (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
:appState (:appState (:drawing @(:drawing x)))
:nested-text (:text @(:drawing x))
:roamExcalidraw (:roamExcalidraw (:drawing @(:drawing x)))}))
;; Main Function Form-3
(defn resize [ew]
;;(debug ["(resize)"])
(if-not (nil? @ew) (.onResize @ew)))
(defn update-scene [ew scene]
;;(debug ["(update-scene) scene: " scene])
(if-not (nil? @ew) (.updateScene @ew scene)))
(defn get-drawing [ew]
;;(debug ["(get-drawing): " (.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew)])
(.getDrawing js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper @ew))
(defn host-div-style [cs]
(let [width (.-innerWidth js/window)
height (.-innerHeight js/window)
top (int (* height (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
left (int (* width (:full-screen-margin @app-settings)))
host-div-width (if (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs)) (:max-embed-width @app-settings)
(.getHostDIVWidth js/ExcalidrawWrapper (:this-dom-node @cs)))
embed-width (if (> host-div-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings))
(:max-embed-width @app-settings) host-div-width)
embed-height (* (:max-embed-height @app-settings) (/ embed-width (:max-embed-width @app-settings)))
ar (:aspect-ratio @cs)
w (if (nil? ar) embed-width
(if (> ar 1.0) embed-width
(* ar embed-height)))
h (if (nil? ar @cs) "100%"
(if (> ar 1.0) "100%"
embed-height ))]
(if (is-full-screen cs)
{:position "fixed"
:z-index 1000
:top top
:left left
:width (str/join ["calc(100% - " (* left 2) "px)"])
:height (- height (* top 2))
:resize "none"}
{:position "relative"
:width w
:height h
:resize "both"
:overflow "hidden"}
(defn going-full-screen? [x cs style]
(if (= x true)
(.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper true)
(swap! cs assoc-in [:position] full-screen-view)
(swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
(swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false))
(.fullScreenKeyboardEventRedirect js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper false)
(swap! cs assoc-in [:position] embedded-view)
(swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
;;state to capture when callback confirms React libraries have loaded
(def deps-available (r/atom false))
(defn check-js-dependencies []
(if (and
(not= (str (type js/Excalidraw)) "")
(not= (str (type js/ReactDOM)) "")
(not= (str (type js/React)) "")
(not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawConfig)) "")
(not= (str (type js/ExcalidrawWrapper)) ""))
(do (reset! silent (not (.-DEBUG js/ExcalidrawConfig)))
(reset! deps-available true))
(js/setTimeout check-js-dependencies 1000)
(defn get-embed-image [drawing dom-node app-name]
(if (= (:img @app-settings) "PNG")
(.getPNG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)
(.getSVG js/window.ExcalidrawWrapper drawing dom-node app-name)
(defn main [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
;;(debug ["(main) component starting..."])
(let [drawing (r/atom nil)
cs (r/atom {:position embedded-view ;;component-state
:this-dom-node nil
:aspect-ratio nil
:mouseover false
:prev-empty-block nil}) ;; this is a semaphore system to avoid creating double nested blocks when manually creating the first nested element
saving-flag (atom false)
pull-watch-active (atom false)
ew (r/atom nil) ;;excalidraw-wrapper
app-name (str/join ["excalidraw-app-" block-uid])
style (r/atom {:host-div (host-div-style cs)})
resize-handler (fn [] (if (is-full-screen cs)
(swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
(if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs))
(swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
;changed-drawing (atom nil)
drawing-on-change-callback (fn [x] (if-not @saving-flag
{:block-uid block-uid
:map-string (js-to-clj-str x)
:cs cs
:drawing drawing
:saving-flag saving-flag}))))
pull-watch-callback (fn [before after]
;;(debug ["(pull-watch-callback) after:" (js-to-clj-str after)])
(if-not (or @saving-flag (is-full-screen cs) @pull-watch-active)
(reset! pull-watch-active true)
(let [drawing-data (pull-children block-uid 0)
drawing-text (pull-children block-uid 1)
empty-block-uid (re-find #":block/uid \"(.*)\", (:block/string \"\")" (str drawing-data))] ;check if user has nested a block under a new drawing
(if-not (nil? empty-block-uid)
(if-not (= (second empty-block-uid) (:prev-empty-block @cs))
(swap! cs assoc-in [:prev-empty-block] (second empty-block-uid)) ;;semaphore to avoid double creation of blocks
(create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid
:drawing drawing
:empty-block-uid (second empty-block-uid)})
(load-drawing {:block-uid block-uid
:drawing drawing
:data (get-data-from-block-string drawing-data)
:text (first drawing-text)})
(if-not (is-full-screen cs)
(swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (generate-scene {:drawing drawing}) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
(swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs)))))
(reset! pull-watch-active false)
(if (= @deps-available false)
[:div "Libraries have not yet loaded. Please refresh the block in a moment."]
(fn []
;;(debug ["(main) fn[] starting..."])
{ :display-name "Excalidraw Roam Beta"
;; Constructor
; :constructor (fn [this props])
; :get-initial-state (fn [this] )
;; Static methods
; :get-derived-state-from-props (fn [props state] )
; :get-derived-state-from-error (fn [error] )
;; Methods
; :get-snapshot-before-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv] )
; :should-component-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv])
:component-did-mount (fn [this]
;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount"])
(swap! cs assoc-in [:this-dom-node] (r/dom-node this))
;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount addPullWatch"])
(.addPullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
(pull-watch-callback nil nil)
(swap! style assoc-in [:host-div] (host-div-style cs))
(.addEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler)
;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-mount Exalidraw mount initiated"])
:component-did-update (fn [this old-argv old-state snapshot]
;;(debug ["(main) :component-did-update"])
(if (is-full-screen cs)
(resize ew)))
:component-will-unmount (fn [this]
;;(debug ["(main) :component-will-unmount"])
(.removePullWatch js/ExcalidrawWrapper block-uid pull-watch-callback)
(.removeEventListener js/window "resize" resize-handler))
; :component-did-catch (fn [this error info])
:reagent-render (fn [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
;;(debug ["(main) :reagent-render"])
{:class "excalidraw-host"
:style (:host-div @style)
:on-mouse-over (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] true))
:on-mouse-leave (fn[e] (swap! cs assoc-in [:mouseover] false)) }
(if-not (is-full-screen cs)
{:class "ex-embed-button"
:style {:display (if (:mouseover @cs) "block" "none")
:left (if-not (nil? (:this-dom-node @cs))
(- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32)
:draggable true
:on-click (fn [e]
(going-full-screen? true cs style)
(if (nil? (get-in @drawing [:nestedtext-parent :block-uid]))
(create-nested-blocks {:block-uid block-uid
:drawing drawing
:empty-block-uid nil}))
(reset! ew (js/ExcalidrawWrapper.
(generate-scene {:drawing drawing})
(:this-dom-node @cs)
drawing-on-change-callback ))
;(js/setTimeout autosave 10000)
{:class "ex-fullscreen-button"
:style {:left (- (.-clientWidth (:this-dom-node @cs)) 32)}
:draggable true
:on-click (fn [e]
(.svgClipboard js/ExcalidrawWrapper)
(going-full-screen? false cs style)
(save-component {:block-uid block-uid
:map-string (js-to-clj-str (get-drawing ew))
:cs cs
:drawing drawing
:saving-flag saving-flag})
(swap! cs assoc-in [:aspect-ratio] (get-embed-image (get-drawing ew) (:this-dom-node @cs) app-name))
{:id app-name
:style {:position "relative" :width "100%" :height "100%"}}