Matt's Roof Garden

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To toggle namespaces do Ctrl-c then Ctrl-l

Namespaces are anything in a page title the is before a / They denote different types of pages and can be toggled in 3 levels

to show the whole namespace

to show the first letter of the namespace

to hide the namespace

they can also be controlled by css using

/* Namespace text color [[roam/css]] when using CTRL+C CTRL+L || CMD+C CMD+L */
.rm-page-ref-namespace-color {
    color: blue !important;
    font-weight: 600;
    transition: color .3s ease;
.rm-page-ref-namespace-color:hover {
    color: purple !important;
    text-decoration: none;
    transition: color .3s ease;
span[data-link-title^="template"] .rm-page-ref:before {
    content: "\01F4DA";