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Book/A Practical Guide to Evil Book 7

Full Title:: A Practical Guide to Evil Book 7


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First added April 21st, 2021

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Small kindnesses are the seed of grand consequences. Evil stays, Good compounds.

Chapter 3: Wage

steel and silence

Chapter 6: Retaliation

Now is the hour of tooth and claw.

Interlude: East I

view from the mud

Interlude: West II

Retreat from the world all you like, it does not retreat from you

Chapter 32: Claimant (Redux)

What kind of a life she must live, I thought, that she found more to smile among the dead than the living.

Chapter 37: Bygone

This felt, I thought, like a conversation best had at night. In a dimmer place, where the dark would smooth sharp edges and the stars would give only the kindest of lights.

Interlude: Occidental II

Being hurt didn't make you better. It just made you hurt.

Spite lessened both the speaker and listener.

Interlude: Occidental IV

Catherine Foundling limped into sight from her left, moonlight lapping at her back like the tide at the shore.

making the world black and white was to give away half of Creation to the dark.

the Diluvian Throne

Uncle Klaus had died, striding out of his life and straight into the legends of the Iron Prince’s last charge

Worthy causes ever find friends

New highlights added January 15th, 2022 at 4:18 PM

The silence that lingered after was not tense, but neither was it easy. It felt like the moment before a blade was drawn.